Devour craves...

Speculative, horror, science fiction and all of its subgenres. Magic realism and grimdark. Creepypastas and post-apocalyptic hellscapes. Genre-blends, horror hybrids, and unsettling, unique mythos. What ifs. The unexpected. High concept and world building; atmospheric and character-driven. Classy, elevated prose with a flourish of the poetic; pulpy, hardboiled homage. Flamboyant experimentation; austere, dreary existentialism.
500–8,000 words.
DEVOUR is amorphous, learning as it grows, like a fast-evolving virus, and so its
 appetite is vast. That said, DEVOUR is less hungry for fan fiction, hard fantasy, stream
of consciousness, tropes that don’t seek to push the already-known manifestations 
of said tropes. Original, unpublished fiction only.
We accept simultaneous, but please no multiple submissions.